2014 PhD with distinction in systematic musicology and cultural sociology at the University of Graz with the Phd thesis “Gender – Metal – Videoclips” (rewarded with the Gabriele-Possanner-Förderungspreis 2015 & the Josef-Krainer-Förderungspreis 2015, financed by a research scholarship of the University of Graz).
Diploma in musicology (2007), Bachelor and Master of Arts in sociology (2008/2010).
Work Experience
Since 2022 lecturer at “Institute for Music Sociology” at University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
since 2021 senior scientist at University of Graz in research projects on digitalisation and AI in the field of social work (digi@socialwork | digi@youthwork | AI@youthwork).
2021-2024 senior scientist at University of Music and Performing Arts Graz: principle investigator in the international project “U-YouPa: Understanding Youth Participation and Media Literacy in Digital Dialogue Spaces” (The Research Council of Norway).
Since 2014 academic coaching: support for academic theses (BA, MA and PhD), methodological coaching with a focus on qualitative research, advice on research proposals.
Since 2009 teaching assignments and workshops at different universities.
2016-2021 postdoc researcher and lecturer at the Web Literacy Lab at the Department Media & Design at the FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz.
2016-2017 key researcher at the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz; FWF-PEEK-project “GAPPP: Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice” headed by Marko Ciciliani.
2014-2015 key researcher at Spectro in Vienna/Graz. Research project “Political Participation in Voitsberg”.
2012-2014 prae doc researcher at the Department of Sociology at the University of Graz; Joint FWF-DFG project “After Bologna: Gender Studies in Entrepreneurial Universities” (in cooperation with ZIFG, TU Berlin) headed by Angelika Wetterer and Sabine Hark.
2006-2009 social worker and head of the youth center Bärnbach: social work, media relations, event organisation, fund raising.
2014-2018 board member of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung (ÖGGF)).
Founding member of the working group “music | media | publishing”.
2010-2012 chairwomen of the Dachverband der Studierenden der Musikwissenschaften (DVSM e.V.).
Reviewer: Forum Qualitative Research (FQS); Metal Music Studies; Journal of Sound and Music in Games; STS Queer Forum; SAMPLES; Marietta-Blau-Stipendium 2018; award for gender / feminist research 2017 (University of Innsbruck); gender award 2015 (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz).